Category: Featured

Diversity Film Festival

MAX is organizing a film festival to empower individuals with a migrant background and multicultural initiatives to share their voices by telling their experiences in the first person, and to recognise their contribution, work and resilience.

The MAX Diversity Film Festival (MAXDFF) provides both amateur and professional filmmakers  with a place to showcase their voices, stories and experiences of migration – embracing diversity, discussing challenges, inequalities and discrimination, but also celebrating the power of multiculturalism and communities united in diversity.

About Max

Max is an AMIF funded project which aim is to change public attitudes towards migrants. The goal is to improve the public image of migrants in Europe by changing the narrative around the immigration discourse and putting on the front the stories of real people.SweTurk is one of the partner of MAX project together with other 20 partners from 12 EU member states. 


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Business Opportunities and Logistics: Scandinavia – Eastern Europe Case

On September 10th an international transport and logistics conference took place in Stockholm. On the initiative of the Lithuanian Embassy in Sweden, the conference was organized by Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications, JSC Lithuanian Railways, port of Klaipėda, Turkish-Swedish business association Sweturk and International Swedish Freight association.

The main focus of the conference – to present modern logistics possibilities and perspectives of international multimodal solutions between Scandinavia and Eastern European countries.

Participants of the event were ports, transport and logistic companies of Sweden, Lithuania and Turkey.

Guests Speakers:
Arijandas Sliupas – Vice Minister of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Lithuania
Tautginas Sankauskas- President of  Lithuanian National Assoc. Logistic
Arturas Drungilas- Marketing Director of  Klaipeda State Seaport
Marius Matulaitis – Head of integration JSC (Lithuanian Railways)
Mats Olsson- Director General of Karlshamns Hamn AB
Jan Kilström- CEO of Green Cargo
Johan Röstin- CEO of Copenhagen- Malmö Port
Erik Froste- Managing Director Port of Södertelje were the speakers of the event.

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STBC in cooperation with MiG, organised a business trip to Istanbul

SweTurk member Swedish-Turkish Business Cooperation (STBC) – a member of SWETURK, made a business trip to Istanbul in cooperation with Gothenburg Marketing Association (MiG – Marknadsföreningen i Göteborg).

The group consisted of 56 businessmen coming from 36 different companies based in Gothenburg and 3 persons from STBC. A very succesful partnership cooperation has been experienced between STBC and Turkish Businessmen and Industrials both during the organization of this trip and during the three days spent in Istanbul.

MiG/STBC Istanbul trip has started with the meetings with different companies and organizations. First, Mr. Jörgen Thelin and Ms. Kristina Soeiro – from Roxtec and Lindex respectively – the Swedish companies operating in Turkey, informed the participants from Gothenburg about the companies they represent, business environment peculiarities in Turkey, etc. The meeting went on in a very sincere atmosphere and ended with the presentation of gifts to the speakers and bilateral meetings.

Later on, the second speech was given by Mr. Ahmet Cüneyt Selçuk – Chief Project Manager of Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) which is a business body directly connected to the Prime Ministry of Republic of Turkey. Mr. Selçuk made a distinctively interesting presentation on the importance of Turkish economy on the global scale, country’s fast growing tendency which is not actual any more for many EU countries, attractive investment opportunities generated in Turkey for foreign companies and services the Agency can provide to potential investors. After answering questions of the businessmen from Gothenburg and receiving a present from MiG, Mr. Ahmet Cüneyt Selçuk left the floor for the final guest speaker.

Mr. Antoine Fanoun – Market Unit Mnager of “Business Sweden” or Swedish Trade & Invest Council (previously ExportRådet) gave a speech on Turkey’s economic progress during the recent years, the differences between Sweden and Turkey in terms of investment and trade regulations and experinces, distinguishing characteristics which sould be taken into consideration by new investors and how Business Sweden can assist the potential investors from Gothenburg in many different issues. The last meeting also concluded in a warm atmosphere by the presentation of a gift to Mr. Antoine Fanoun and bilateral meetings.

After the meetings, Secretary General of STBC – Fuad Mammadli exclusively presented the informational materials on Gothenburg’s business environment and potential attractive sectors for investment (presented by Göteborg Business Region, a business body directly connected with Gothenburg Municipality). Thus, the main purpose of the trip – presentation of Turkey to the business people from Gothenburg and promotion of Gothenburg to Turkish business community – was accomplished. Afterwards, a group of approximately 60 persons conducted a sightseeing tour in Istanbul.

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The role of SME in the process of integration

SweTurk and UNITEE jointly organized a major conference dedicated to Achievements and Challenges to Sweden’s Integration Policies-Focus on SMEs.

Swedish Minister for Integration Erik Ullenhag has talked about Swedish perspective of integration. He said that there are many Swedish entrepreneurs with roots in Turkey who are central to our prosperity.

Other speakers were Staffan Nilsson President of the EESC, Gunilla Almgren from UEAPME and Anna Maria Corazza Bildt MP European Parliament.

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